Monday 20 September 2010

Times - Analysis

This is by far by favourite newspaper layout and I definitely took most of my inspiration from this paper. I like the way the masthead sticks to the top left hand side of the page with an advert on the right. However, I don't really like the three adverts at the bottom of the page as they seemingly take up about 1/3 of the space, then finding the rest a bit cramped together. Although I wouldn't chose this for my paper, I can appreciate that it brings in a lot of the papers revenue.
Other features:
  • the newsline, advertising line and email address are all clearly shown on the front page
  • the areas where it is sold is shown above the masthead
  • the reporters name is always under the headline followed by the reporters work email address.
  • There is the ABC figures mark on the front suggesting that the circulation figures can be found on the website.
  • the main headlines introduction is in bold
  • the main headline only uses capitals for the first letter of the title
  • the sub-story is divided from the main headline with a red rim around the edge of it
  • there is a shadow behind the masthead making the masthead come out of the page.

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