Sunday 27 February 2011

Have you met your Deadlines? If not, why? What have you learnt from these difficulties?

During the course of the A2 Media production, I've meet the majority of my deadlines but have ound that at times these deadlines have been extended. This is partially to do with what I have had to do in the week and whether I was able to fit in the right amount of time to dedicate my time to my media coursework. I've learnt to keep up with my work and to try and balance my work load so that I can give an equal and appropriate amount of time to each topic.
One deadline that I didn't meet was one for my pictures; due to the poor weather we had had in the week I was unable to take decent quality pictures at that time. So, I decided to leave the pictures the taking to a brighter day on the weekend which we fortunately had. This enabled me to take decent quality shots that I could use in my newspaper.

My biggest difficultly which effected my deadline dramatically was the fact that I lost my memory stick and did not have any back ups. I lost it at the end of term and found that due to not having the appropriate programmes at home I had to wait til returning back to school. My teachers were thoroughly understanding and allowed me ome extra time to redo it. Luckly however, I had saved my pictures, adverts and headlines onto my blog already so it didn't have to start it all over again. I quickly finished it again and change things as I went along making it better in my opinion. It allowed me to analyse my work and change things that I may not have liked as much beforehand. I learnt a great deal from this; most importantly to save my work multiple times.

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