Thursday 21 October 2010

News Pictures Library and Rachel

What I wanted from this picture was ultimately have someone outside the old library smiling denoting the idea that they are happy with the fact that the library is moving to a bigger home. However, on taking the picture I found there were a few problems with it such as the boy in the background and the fact that I wanted it to be landscape to fit with my layout. If I learnt anything from this certain picture was that I should have considered arranging my layout around the picture ultimately making it easier in post production.
I altered the picture firstly by cropping the surrounding areas which were not needed in the picture. However, the boy in the background was still there- so I decided instead of retaking the picture that I would use the lasso tools to cut my model out of the picture then putting her on top of the boy therefore deleting him from the picture. By doing this, I also solved my other problem because by further cropping my picture was now landscape. For finishing touches, I altered the saturation slightly making the picture look at bit more vibrant.

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