Thursday 21 October 2010

News Pictures Library and Rachel

What I wanted from this picture was ultimately have someone outside the old library smiling denoting the idea that they are happy with the fact that the library is moving to a bigger home. However, on taking the picture I found there were a few problems with it such as the boy in the background and the fact that I wanted it to be landscape to fit with my layout. If I learnt anything from this certain picture was that I should have considered arranging my layout around the picture ultimately making it easier in post production.
I altered the picture firstly by cropping the surrounding areas which were not needed in the picture. However, the boy in the background was still there- so I decided instead of retaking the picture that I would use the lasso tools to cut my model out of the picture then putting her on top of the boy therefore deleting him from the picture. By doing this, I also solved my other problem because by further cropping my picture was now landscape. For finishing touches, I altered the saturation slightly making the picture look at bit more vibrant.

Adverts- Beth's Flower Shop

Firstly to create this advert, I took a picture of a rose at a sligth angle to see the rose at it's bloom. On photoshop, I used the lasso tool to get rid of the unwanted background so I could emphasis that the rose is the focus of the advert. I found that also I had to clear the image up as the original picture was a bit blurry. Later, I added writing to the picture letting the reader know that this is an advert for a florist.
The vibrancy and fullness of the rose attracts the audiences attention making the florist worthy of recognition.

Adverts - Il Guardio's Restaurant

To create this advert, I took two separate pictures; one of a restaurant which lets off a feel of ambiance, while the other shows what the reataurant could possibly offer. I didn't change anything to either of the picture except I did sharpen up the picture of the cake as the original picture was a bit blurry. By combining the images and writing in a fancy font, it looks professional and emphasises that this place is classy.
I was very impressed with the outcome of this advert as I believe it looks thoroughly like a restaurant advert which many people would consider going to visit. It gives a sense that this certain place is the perfect place for a meal.

Adverts - The Photography Avert

To create this advert I used photoshop. Due to the fact that this advert is advertising photography I wanted to make it look arty and bright so I used the posterisation filter. However, I kept it subtle so it was still clear of what it is. Also, by having the picture of someone taking a picture makes it obivious what it is advertising. I used the rule of thirds to make the picture more interesting and to divert the viewers eyes to the camera. I also cropped the top of the picture because the top was boring and not needed in the picture. However, some may find that the advert may be a bit garish for a newspaper, but I like it because it's original and if anything it make my newspaper different.
The writing was kept simple because I wanted the picture to tell the story rather than the writing, the writing was there to give furthur details of the classes.

Other Headlines (3)

The long fight for new car parking has been won

The long awaited want for car parking around Mulberry had finally come. A campaign was launched at the end of last year and since then campaigners have been fighting for the cause. The issue of car parking came to the attention of the public when they realised that they didn’t have enough parking areas to accommodate the majority of the public. Over the last couple of years, Mulberry has grown in numbers of residents. Bridget Davids, the leader of the campaign informed us “the council are finally taking notice of the fact that we need more parking spaces. It is exciting to finally win this battle”. The council took notice of the campaign after numerous protests, fund raising schemes and visits from Bridget herself. The petition had approximately 90% of the town’s residents on it.

Other Headlines (2)

Fayre goes down a 'Storm'.

Mulberry Fayre was a great success on Saturday; it went down a 'Storm' quite literally. The Annuual Autumn Fayre in Mulberry is an event which every local looks forward to every year and creates a great sense of community. The fayre was supposed to be held on one of the sunniest days of the year according to the weather report on the previous night. On waking up the next morning the residents of Mulberry saw the rain plummeting down outside. However the community would not allow the rain to deter them from the festivities. The local council and residents gathered together to put up marquees outside and use the town hall for their venue. Mary and Bob Hopkins commented that “it was probably the best fayre as far as they could remember”. There were stalls a plenty; sweets, face painting and jewelers’ stands. The most popular was the cake stand, Rebekah Morrison had to go home and make more cakes. All in all the day with a great success.

Other Headlines (1)

New Harry Potter Movie Casts a Spell on local Cinema

The most anticipated film of the year has reached Mulberry Cinema and gone off with a big bang. The first viewing was shown at two o’clock on Sunday. This provoked huge queues which made its way around the perimeter of the cinema. The awaiting audiences couldn’t contain their excitement. One fan said “I’ve been waiting for this film for what feels like a decade, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens to Harry”

The viewing has definitely boosted the Cinemas reputation and helped to revive it. Earlier in the year it was under threat of being closed down due to insufficient funds to keep it open. The Cinema owner Russell Turner said “At most of the year it is touch and go. We are limited to the amount of films we can show so many people take to going to the bigger cinema in the nearest city. Blockbusters such as Harry Potter are a blessing as they bring in the public and bring a great atmosphere with them”

The seventh and penultimate film in the saga has been adapted from J.K.Rowlings book ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Shadows’ which has ultimately been split into two. The film see Harry, Ron and Hermione battling against time as well as evil to collect and destroy the Horcruxes, which contain parts of Voldemort’s soul.

My Main Headline

Library to Make a Move and Change for the Better.

Mulberry Library is finally set to make a move to a bigger home. The long awaited change is moving to its new building this Monday and will be opened by the nearest, the next Monday after.

Building and restorations have been going on for the past couple of months and now it is ready for furniture and books to slowly move in. The current Library will remain open during this process as it is still an active part of the society. The reason for the move was due to the fact that the Library is in high demand and that it cannot accompany as many people as they wish to.

Librarian Tora Jennings has said "The move is taking place and it is a very exciting time. I have seen inside the building and it will definitely be what the public want and should satisfy their needs. We have ordered new books and getting new computers which should be coming in later this week. I am thrilled to be involved in something so consequential for the local residents"

The Mulberry Council have asked for suggestions from the public on to what would be the best way forward, Mary Cartwright has said “It is all about the locals of Mulberry, we want to know what they want to get out of their Library. It is Important to consider them as they are the ones who will be spending most of their time in there”. The Library put a board outside for suggestions and there were many. Some were sensible and understanding like more seating, areas to work and more books in general. While others seemed a little bemusing, one suggestion specifically said they wanted a KFC. Other ideas for the Library were a toilet and a coffee shop.

The move hasn't come too soon for the locals of Mulberry as the library ceases to stop growing in its popularity. Students and adults alike take time to visit the library; some just for pleasure while others go there for work. The Library has been a source for learning and community for as long as the locals can remember.

One student in particular is glad for the up and coming changes to the Library "The Library is the place where I go mostly every day to do my work for school, it is a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere where you are able to concentrate." Rachel Jones 17, a student of Mulberry Secondary School commented "However, recently due to the huge number of people that go to the Library, it has almost been impossible to find a place in which I can study. It is my most important year and I feel the Library is a massive benefit. I'll be glad for the bigger space".

The Library is moving to a desolate building near the local supermarket, which I am sure will be good for a lot of people. The manager of Waitrose is also thoroughly glad for the change as it may increase the number of sales and be an active part in the support of the Library "We are hoping to support the Library any way we can".

The Library has definitely caused an excitement in and around the town of Mulberry and we can all see that it will be a great benefit in the near future for all the local residents. What we absolutely say that this move hasn't come far too soon.